

sábado, 11 de dezembro de 2010


Oportunidades Vigentes

Edital para Seleção de Candidatos a Bolsa PNDP-Capes para o Programa de Pós-Graduação em Biologia da Relação Patógeno-Hospedeiro da Universidade de São Paulo (USP)
 A Coordenação do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Biologia da Relação Patógeno-Hospedeiro da Universidade de São Paulo (USP) informa que estão abertas as inscrições para o preenchimento de duas bolsas do Programa Nacional de Pós-Doutorado (PNPD) da Capes.
Cada um dos candidatos selecionados será responsável pela execução de um subprojeto do projeto principal intitulado Utilizando o Conhecimento Gerado pelo Estudo dos Mecanismos Imunopatológicos na Malária Gestacional para o Desenvolvimento de Vacinas que Direcionam Antígenos para Células Dendríticas. O projeto principal está dividido em três subprojetos:

Subprojeto I: Estudo dos Mecanismos Imunopatológicos Envolvidos na Malária Associada à Gravidez, sob a coordenação direta do Prof. Dr. Claudio R. F. Marinho;

Subprojeto II: Direcionamento de Antígenos Recombinantes para Células Dendríticas in vivo: Uma Nova Estratégia para o Desenvolvimento de Vacinas, sob a coordenação direta da Profa. Dra. Silvia B. Boscardin;

Subprojeto III: Desenvolvimento de Vacina para Malária Gestacional através do Direcionamento de Antígenos para Células Dendríticas, sob a coordenação direta dos Profs. Dr. Claudio R. F. Marinho e Dra. Silvia B. Boscardin.
Os candidatos serão selecionados para a execução dos Subprojetos I ou II e posteriormente trabalharão em conjunto no desenvolvimento do Subprojeto III.
Data Limite: 18 de dezembro de 2010.

Edital DRI/CGBE nº 12/2009 - Programa de Apoio à Participação em Eventos no Exterior (Paex) - Processos Seletivos em 2010
 A Capes financia a apresentação de trabalhos científicos de professores e pesquisadores, em eventos no exterior, com vistas a incrementar a visibilidade internacional da produção científica, tecnológica e cultural geradas no país. 
O apoio consiste em auxílio-deslocamento, que se destina às despesas com passagem para a participação em evento científico no exterior, indicado na inscrição e aprovado pela Capes. O apoio da Capes obedece interstício de dois anos entre financiamentos dessa natureza.  As normas do Edital DRI/CGBE nº 12/2009 serão aplicáveis aos processos seletivos do exercício de 2010.
Data Limite: O candidato deve inscrever-se e enviar toda a documentação complementar, exclusivamente via internet, até as 20h do último dia para inscrição, horário de Brasília. O pedido seguirá o calendário abaixo:

Período do evento
1º a 31 de dezembro
1º a 30 de abril
28 de fevereiro

Nota: os processos seletivos são independentes entre si, sendo vedado o remanejamento de candidatura de um período para outro, sob qualquer pretexto.

International Travel Grants Program - 2011 NFID Annual Conference
 The National Foundation for Infectious Diseases (NFID) is a non-profit organization founded in 1973 and dedicated to educating the public and healthcare professionals about the causes, treatment and prevention of infectious diseases.

NFID support a Travel Grant Program for the Annual Conference on Vaccine Research (ACVR). This Conference provides high-quality and current reports of scientific progress featured in both invited presentations and submitted abstracts. The variety of topics covered in both human and veterinary vaccinology encourage valuable cross-fertilization of ideas and approaches among researchers otherwise focused on specific diseases or methods.

Applications are currently being accepted for the 
2011 Fourteenth Annual Conference on Vaccine Research Travel Grants Program. This initiative is designed to help vaccine and infectious disease researchers in countries with limited resources attend the conference, to be held May 16-18, 2011 at the Baltimore Marriott Waterfront Hotel in BaltimoreMaryland-USA.
Data Limite: All required documents must be received no later than December 27, 2010Home Page:

Tri-Institutional PhDTrainning Program in Chemical Biology
 The Tri-Institutional Training Program in Chemical Biology (TPCB) is a new generation of interdisciplinary study that seeks to recruit highly qualified students for a unique opportunity in graduate educational training. 

The TPCB is a joint collaboration among 
Cornell University in Ithaca, The Rockefeller University, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, and the Weill Medical College of Cornell, all in New York City. This graduate program in chemical biology blends educational and research experience on all four campuses and provides a unique training environment at the forefront of chemistry and biomedical research. 

TPCB students are actively engaged in cutting edge research, as evidenced by the impressive list of publications describing their work. The program structure and the depth and breadth of participating faculty ensure that students have significant opportunities both for publications and for presentations at national and international conferences appropriate to their training. Please see the 
Student Affairs page for further information.
Data Limite: Deadline for receipt of applications is January 1, 2011Home Page:

IRCSET Empower Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme 2011
 The objective of the IRCSET Empower Scheme is to provide top-quality young researchers with the opportunity to avail of a period of research at an Irish Host Instititution. The scheme is designed to encourage excellence in research by funding those at an early stage of their postdoctoral career to associate with established research teams who have achieved international recognition for their work.

The eight general subject areas that will be funded under the IRCSET Empower Scheme are: Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Computer Science, Earth/Environmental Science, Engineering, Mathematics and Physics. Applicants are advised to consult the list of 
IRCSET’s Postdoctoral Research Disciplines. The successful applicant will hold a Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellowship in Science, Engineering and Technology.
Data Limite: The closing date for completion of applications is 5pm GMT/UTC 8th December 2010Home Page:

Institute for Protein Research's International Collaborative Research
 The Institute for Protein Research (IPR) was thus founded formally on 1958 as a part of Osaka University. Since then, IPR has developed significantly in terms of its scientific activity and infrastructures. Now, the IPR comprises four divisions with twelve laboratories and an attached research center with six laboratories, serving as a joint-use facility for the scientists working in the fields of protein and related sciences. 

The Institute invites applications for international collaborative research. The research should be conducted in the form of a collaboration including at least one of the Principal Investigators (PIs) at IPR, or it should use particular experimental facilities of IPR, including solution- and solid-state-NMR spectrometers with ultra-high magnetic fields, and a synchrotron beam line for biological macromolecular assemblies at SPring-8.
Data Limite: The deadline for submission for the 2011 fiscal year is January 7th, 2011Home Page:

Molecular Evolution Fellowship Program
 The Smithsonian Postdoctoral Fellowship in Molecular Evolution is offered to support research at the Smithsonian Institution. The Smithsonian's molecular research facilities are located at National Museum of Natural History (NMNH), National Zoological Park (NZP), in the Washington, D.C. area, and at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI), in the Republic of Panama, but collaboration with other facilities (Smithsonian Environmental Research Center [SERC], Museum Conservation Institute [MCI], etc.) is encouraged. 

Included in the proposal evaluation will be it's relevance in terms of the 
Smithsonian’s Strategic Plan and how the research reflects one or more of theFour Grand Challenges outlined in the plan.
Data Limite: All applications must be postmarked by January 15, annually. Home Page:

Tupper 3-Year Postdoctoral Fellowships in Tropical Biology
 The Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI) located in the Republic of Panama is a division of the Smithsonian Institution in Washington DC and maintains research facilities in different marine and terrestrial locations on the Isthmus of Panama. STRI invites applications for the Earl S. Tupper three-year postdoctoral fellowship in the areas represented by its scientific staff. 

Disciplines include ecology, anthropology, paleontology, paleoecology, evolutionary biology, molecular phylogenetics, biogeography, animal behavior, neurobiology, soils sciences, and physiology of tropical plants and animals. Research should be based at one of the STRI facilities; proposals that include comparative research in other tropical countries will be considered. One fellowship is awarded annually.
Data Limite: This program is made on a annual basis. Application deadline is January 15 each year. Home Page:

Fomento e Infraestrutura em P&D
Coordenação de Pesquisas -Vice-Diretoria de Pesquisas e Desenvolvimento Tecnológico
Fiocruz Bahia

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