domingo, 30 de janeiro de 2011

Oportunidades de financiamento

Oportunidades Vigentes
Edital Fapesb nº 04/2011 - Participação em Evento Científico ou Tecnológico no Exterior (Linha 01) ou em Território Nacional (Linha 02)
Edital Fapesb nº 04/2011 visa incentivar a participação de membros da comunidade científico-tecnológica, vinculados às instituições de ensino superior e/ou pesquisa localizadas no Estado da Bahia, em eventos científicos e/ou tecnológicos, exclusivamente para apresentação de trabalhos de sua autoria, através do financiamento de passagens.

A solicitação de apoio pode ser encaminhada em duas diferentes linhas:
Linha 1: participação em evento científico e/ou tecnológico no exterior; 
Linha 2: participação em evento científico e/ou tecnológico em território nacional.
Preenchimento online do pedido:
Eventos realizados de maio a julho: até as 17h30min do dia 3 de março de 2011; 
Eventos realizados de agosto a outubro: até as 17h30min do dia 19 de abril de 2011; 
Eventos realizados em novembro e dezembro: paté as 17h30min do dia 1º de agosto de 2011. 

Edital Fapesb nº 02/2011 - Apoio à Organização de Eventos Científicos ou Tecnológicos
Edital Fapesb nº 02/2011 destina-se a apoiar a organização e a realização de eventos de natureza científica ou tecnológica, de âmbito local, regional, nacional e internacional, nas diversas áreas do conhecimento, a ocorrer no Estado da Bahia nos meses de agosto a dezembro de 2011.

As propostas serão classificadas em três faixas abaixo distribuídas, associados a todas as áreas do conhecimento:
Faixa 1: eventos não consolidados de natureza científica e/ou tecnológica a ocorrer na Região Metropolitana do Salvador-BA (municípios de Salvador, Lauro de Freitas, Candeias, Camaçari, Dias D'Ávila, Simões Filho, Vera Cruz, Itaparica); 
Faixa 2: eventos não consolidados de natureza científica e/ou tecnológica a ocorrer nas demais cidades do Estado da Bahia; 
Faixa 3: eventos consolidados de natureza científica e/ou tecnológica a ocorrer no Estado da Bahia.
Data Limite: Até as 17h30min do dia 11 de março de 2011.

Edital Fapesb nº 03/2011 - Apoio a Publicação Cientifica e Tecnológica
Edital Fapesb nº 03/2011 visa incentivar a publicação científica e tecnológica, em especial aquela de natureza inédita, visando difundir conhecimentos, técnicas ou tecnologias que sejam relevantes para o desenvolvimento econômico, social e cultural do Estado da Bahia, através do financiamento à edição de livros (monográficos ou coletâneas), desde que não seriados.
Data Limite: Até as 17h30min do dia 13 de julho de 2011.

ISID Scientific Exchange Fellowship Program
The mission of the International Society for Infectious Diseases (ISID) is to enhance research, prevention, and treatment of infectious diseases, particularly in low resource countries. The Society's programs emphasize the transfer of information and appropriate technology through training and education of health care professionals. 

The ISID Scientific Exchange Fellowship Program was established in 1992 to promote collaboration among researchers in different countries by enabling infectious disease researchers in the formative stage of their career to extend their research experience in institutions outside of their region. These awards are not restricted to physicians and are intended to support young scientists from developing countries in updating their knowledge of new, relevant laboratory techniques or in learning specific skills and techniques. Proposals that enhance the transfer of technologies to geographical areas where they are particularly needed will be favored.
Data Limite: The annual deadline is March 1, and applicants will be notified after June 1.

ICGEB Prospective Meeting/Course Organisers Held at ICGEB Affiliated Centres
The International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB) conducts innovative research in life sciences for the benefit of developing countries. It strengthens the research capability of its Members through training and funding programmes and advisory services and represents a comprehensive approach to promoting biotechnology internationally. Affiliated Centres are established research institutes in Member States which have attained, or have the potential for, high standard research.

Laboratory courses of up to 10 days' duration are intended to train scientists and technologists in the theory and practice of advanced biotechnology research, as well as to address subjects and priorities of a regional nature. Training courses are to be conducted by the organising institute's staff and invited lecturers.

The programme also accommodates proposals for resarch workshops, symposia and conferences intended to disseminate scientific knowledge and enhance interaction of researchers and policy makers from ICGEB Member States. Research-orientated meetings are generally of two to five days duration.
Data Limite: Complete applications must be sent to the ICGEB Liaison Officer in the applicant’s country of origin by 15 March annually.

Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds PhD Scholarships
The Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds is a public foundation - an independent, not-for-profit institution for the exclusive and direct promotion of basic research in biomedicine. It supports researchers and projects aimed to experimentally elucidate basic phenomena of human life and pays particular attention to the promotion of junior scientists. 

The Foundation awards PhD Fellowships to outstanding young scientists who wish to pursue an ambitious PhD project in basic biomedical research in an internationally leading laboratory. The purpose of this program is to promote basic research in biomedicine by providing the best young, up-and-coming scientists with comprehensive support during their PhD phase.
Data LimiteThe application must be submitted by one of the respective deadlines of each year (date as per postmark for the paper version): 1 February, 1 June, 1 October.

FMI International PhD Programme
The Friedrich Miescher Institute (FMI) provides an outstanding research environment for studies of biomedical importance. The institute also fosters a lively educational atmosphere having trained hundreds of young scientists at the postgraduate and postdoctoral levels. It offers dedicated programmes for diploma and PhD students as well as research experience to visiting students from abroad. 

The FMI International PhD Program provides advanced, interdisciplinary training in epigenetics, neurobiology and signaling & cancer. PhD students admitted to the program receive theoretical and practical training, and conduct a research project under the supervision of an FMI group leader, monitored by a Thesis Committee of university professors and experts chosen by the student. 

PhD students learn highly advanced techniques from specialists and are introduced into experimental analysis at multiple levels of biological organization. PhD students at the FMI are enrolled at the 
University of Basel. After successful completion of the research project, submission of a written thesis and a thesis defense, the candidate receives a PhD from theUniversity of Basel.

Together with the Biozentrum of the 
University of Basel, the Department of Biosystems Science and Engineering (D-BSSE) of the ETH, and the Swiss Tropical Institute (STI), the FMI participates in an international and interdisciplinary graduate teaching program in the areas of:
1. Infection biology; 
2. Neurobiology; 
3. Cell biology; 
4. Developmental biology; 
5. Biophysical chemistry; 
6. Structural biology; 
7. Systems biology; 
8. Bioinformatics.
Data Limite: There are two deadlines each year, in May and December. The next deadline for application is May 5, 2011.

Elaborado por
Fundação Oswaldo Cruz

Centro de Pesquisas Gonçalo Moniz
Vice-diretoria de Pesquisas e Desenvolvimento Tecnológico

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