sábado, 16 de outubro de 2010

Novas oportunidades de fomento à pesquisa

Oportunidades Vigentes

Edital MS-SCTIE-Decit/CNPq nº 69/2010
Edital MS-SCTIE-Decit/CNPq nº 69/2010 tem por objetivo financiar projetos de pesquisa no campo do desenvolvimento e inovação que venham a suprir lacunas do conhecimento sobre a temática relacionada à Avaliação de Tecnologias em Saúde, de forma a permitir avanços no conhecimento, fornecer subsídios para a tomada de decisões para as políticas de saúde adotadas pelo Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) e proporcionar, direta ou indiretamente, melhorias na qualidade de vida da população.

Temas de pesquisa:
1.        Condições reumatológicas;
2.        Leishmaniose Tegumentar Americana;
3.        Hanseníase;
4.        Hipertensão Arterial Sistêmica;
5.        Parâmetros para programação de ações de saúde em redes integradas orientadas pela equipe de saúde da família;
6.        Condições oncológicas;
7.        Transtornos de humor;
8.        HIV ou aids.
Data Limite: 22 de novembro de 2010

Ciência Importa Fácil - Credenciamento de Pesquisadores para Importação
Ciência Importa Fácil é um serviço de credenciamento pelo CNPq, de pesquisadores de todo o país, para facilitar e agilizar a importação de bens destinados às pesquisas científicas e tecnológicas por eles coordenadas.

O credenciamento, regulamentado no CNPq por intermédio da Resolução Normativa RN-036/2006, estende para os pesquisadores, como pessoa física, os benefícios tributários e administrativos para importação de equipamentos e insumos. Até então, apenas instituições de pesquisa, sem fins lucrativos, podiam usufruir desses benefícios.

A legislação ampara a importação de máquinas, equipamentos, aparelhos e instrumentos, bem como suas partes e peças de reposição, acessórios, matérias-primas e produtos intermediários necessários à execução de projetos de pesquisa científica e/ou tecnológica.

Ao contrário do procedimento adotado para as entidades credenciadas (pessoa jurídica), e considerando aspectos operacionais, o CNPq optou por não destinar cotas individuais aos pesquisadores (pessoa física), devendo os valores de suas importações serem deduzidos diretamente da cota global anual fixada pelo Ministério da Fazenda (US$500 milhões/ano).
Data Limite: Fluxo Contínuo.

Global Health Program Grant
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation's Global Health Program is focused on reducing global health inequities by accelerating the development, deployment and sustainability of health interventions that will save lives and dramatically reduce the disease burden in developing countries. 

The Foundation has three cross-cutting programs. These include:
1.                 Discovery: closing gaps in knowledge and science and creating critical platform technologies in areas where current tools are lacking;
2.                 Delivery: implementing and scaling up proven approaches by identifying and proactively addressing the obstacles that typically lie in the path of adoption and uptake;
3.                 Policy & Advocacy: promoting more and better resources, effective policies, and greater visibility of global health so that we may effectively address the foundation’s priority health targets
Data Limite: Letters of inquiry are reviewed on an ongoing basis throughout the year. Home Page: http://www.gatesfoundation.org/global-health/Pages/overview.aspx

Immune Tolerance Network Funding & Support
The Immune Tolerance Network (ITN) is an international research collaboration that aims to accelerate the clinical development of tolerance therapies through novel clinical trials and parallel mechanistic studies. The ITN accepts applications for novel clinical trials from all interested scientists from academia, industry and government, in the areas of:
1. Islet Transplantation; 
2. Kidney & Liver Transplantation; 
Autoimmune Diseases; 
4. Allergy & Asthma.
In addition, the ITN accepts applications for the development of novel tolerance assay or mechanistic studies, for the purposes of establishing new surrogate markers of immune tolerance and investigating the mechanisms of clinical tolerance. For example, the ITN will consider proposals that seek to better understand clinical tolerance by utilizing ITN tolerance assay resources in existing or planned clinical trials that are funded through other sources.
Data Limite: There is no deadline for submission of Concept Proposals - they are accepted throughout the year, with review cycles taking place several times per year. Home Page: http://www.immunetolerance.org/professionals/proposals/guidelines

Wood-Whelan Research Fellowships
The International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, IUMBM, unites biochemists and molecular biologists in 77 countries that belong to the Union as an Adhering Body or Associate Adhering Body which is represented as a biochemical society, a national research council or an academy of sciences. The Union is devoted to promoting research and education in biochemistry and molecular biology throughout the world and gives particular attention to areas where the subject is still in its early development. The Wood-Whelan Research Fellowships are designed to support young biochemists and molecular biologists, from countries that are full or associate members of IUBMB who need to travel to other laboratories in the IUBMB region for the purpose of carrying out experiments that require special techniques or for other forms of scientific collaboration or advanced training.
Data Limite: Applications can be submitted at any time but they should reach the Committee Chairman at least two months before the intended visit to the host laboratory. 

EMBO Short-Term Fellowships
The European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) promotes bioscience in Europe through targeted programmes and activities. Established in 1964, the founders of EMBO showed an incredible vision when they established the organisation. The organisation nurtures training and careers at all stages of the scientific career path through courses, workshops conferences and fellowships. 

Established in 1966, the Fellowships Programme has gained an excellent reputation due to its rigorous selection process. The success of the programme is due the excellent involvement from the Fellowship Committee, EMBO members and young investigators who volunteer each year to assess candidates and proposals. On completion of their fellowship the majority of EMBO post-doctoral fellows return to their home countries transfering new skills and contacts to their respective member states. 

The EMBO Short-term fellowships are established to advance molecular biology research by helping scientists to visit another laboratory with a view to applying a technique not available in the home laboratory. The EMBO offers also the 
Long-Term fellowships.
Data Limite: There is no deadline for applications, but they should ideally be made about three months before the proposed starting date. Home Page: http://www.embo.org/fellowships/short_term.html

Elaborado pela área de Fomento e Infraestrutura em P&D
Coordenação de Pesquisas -Vice-Diretoria de Pesquisas e Desenvolvimento Tecnológico
Fiocruz Bahia

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