quinta-feira, 1 de maio de 2014

Dario Zamboni entra na lista "40 under 40" da Cell

Como parte da Cell-ebration dos 40 anos da Cell,  a revista nomeou 40 jovens cientistas que estão ajudando a moldar o futuro da pesquisa em biologia. 

Para enorme alegria da nossa sociedade, informamos que o Dario Zamboni, membro da SBI e professor da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto/Universidade de São Paulo, foi selecionado para compor tal prestigiosa lista: "40 under 40".

A indicação é uma forma de dar "voz" e destaque a esta nova geração. 

Parabéns, Dario!

Confira abaixo ou aqui a entrevista do Dario na Cell:

1. What are the questions that inspire your lab?
The main question that inspires my lab is how our immune system detects and discriminates pathogenic from the nonpathogenic microbes. This is a critical process that must be readily triggered when a pathogenic microbe interacts with our body. Investigation of this question has been revealing very interesting processes, and we are having lots of fun with the scientific discoveries from ours and other research groups. 
2. Who are the scientists, living or dead, that you admire? If you could, who would you work with?
I admire Elie Metchnikoff for his pioneering research in the immune system. Working as biologist, zoologist, and protozoologist, he is an example of a brilliant multidisciplinary scientist. 
As a Brazilian scientist, I also greatly admire Carlos Chagas (1879–1934), a fantastic Brazilian scientist who deeply investigated infectious diseases in Brazil. In 1909, he unraveled the American Trypanosomiasis (which received the name of Chagas disease). He identified the etiological agent of the disease (the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma cruzi) and the invertebrate host (vector) and discovered its transmission cycle. He also characterized the clinical manifestations and the epidemiology of the disease. Finally, he also contributed significantly to prevention of important infectious diseases in Brazil, such as leprosy, tuberculosis, Spanish flu, and sexually transmitted infections. He was twice nominated for, but unfortunately never won, the Nobel Prize. Nonetheless, he is an inspiration for several generations of Brazilian and Latin American scientists. 
3. Which Cell papers, from any era, have struck you as truly elegant or inspired?
This is a very difficult question; there are so many fantastic papers. I’ll pick an inspiring paper from John Kagan and Ruslan Medzhitov (Kagan, J., and Medzhitov, R. [2006]. Cell 125, 943–955). 
In this Cell paper, John and Ruslan show the differential recruitment of adaptor proteins for the Toll-like receptor signaling. I really like this paper because it provides important contributions to innate immunity field using straightforward (but not overly expensive) experiments and creative ideas. It is a nice example of hypothesis-driven research that lead to relevant and solid conclusions. 
4. What is your guiding philosophy for running your lab? Your personal philosophy?
Enjoy the discoveries, have fun doing research, and work hard to produce solid science. I always encourage my good students to get further training outside the country and then came back to get a job in Brazil! This country will benefit from a new generation of highly talented and well-trained scientists who believe it is possible to perform high-quality science in Brazil. 
5. What are some unique skills that didn’t make it to your CV? What are some personal hobbies?
Orchids! I’m quite talented at cultivating rare species of Brazilian orchids; I really like these magnificent plants and their flowers. In particular, I like to cultivate those from the genus Brasilaelia and the bifoliate Cattleya. Unfortunately, many of these species are almost (if not completely) extinct in the wild, a feature that makes the cultivation of these species very challenging and stimulating. To me, this hobby works as a “therapy,” especially when I am stressed with the career drawbacks. For now, it is just a hobby; perhaps one day I may start a program to reintroduce extinct species of orchids back into their natural environments.  
6. What is the biggest challenge facing young scientists? Do you have a solution? 
A very challenging issue for young scientists is to deal with multiple tasks at the same time! When you reach the 30s and get a position, you have to do everything at the same time: start the lab, built a house, raise kids, teach students, get grants, publish papers, and so on. It is hard to come up with a solution. I would recommend enjoying the small little victories. If you have fun with the daily victories and minimize the lost battles, you may get the fuel to keep working hard, while enjoying your career developments.
7. If you were to choose another career either now or in 20 years, what would it be? 
I don’t see myself doing something different than science and teaching, but if I really had to choose something outside of science, I would spend the day growing orchids and playing with my two wonderful kids (please see the “rollover” image). 
8. Working in science is wonderful and challenging but is not without drawbacks. What has been a particular challenge to you?
When I finished my postdoc in the US, I decided not to apply for jobs in US and return to Brazil in order to make a difference here. In Brazil, I found several challenges for doing high-quality science. For example, it is still hard to import reagents for research. The funding system in Brazil is also challenging because many funding agencies value the number of the papers published by a scientist, instead of favoring the quality of the science produced. Also, the authorship positions in published papers are often not valued. Together with some colleagues, we have been fighting hard to fix these missteps in the Brazilian system. I am quite optimistic about the future, and I am sure when I finish my journey, I will leave a much better system for the following generation of Brazilian scientists. 
9. Any words of wisdom for those looking for a career in biology?
Work hard and enjoy to the good things that happen on a daily basis; do not pay too much attention (and forget quickly) the lost battles. Enjoy other people’s discoveries, enjoy reading other lab’s papers, and get prepared for your own relevant discoveries. 

17 comentários:

  1. Parabéns Dario! Uma escolha muito merecida.

  2. Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.

  3. Parabéns, Dario por ser um dos 40 under 40!!!

  4. Bela escolha!!! É muito bom ser amiga do meu ídolo!
    Pryscilla Wowk

  5. Obrigado Cris, pelo post e obrigado Barral, Ricardo, Patiu e Pry pelos parabéns. Certamente os amigos da SBI (incluindo os membros do CA/CNPq de Imuno) estão entre os "Good colleagues fighting hard to fix the missteps in the Brazilian system"!!

  6. Dario, parabéns pelo merecido reconhecimento. Rumo a novas conquistas ...
    Juliano Bordignon

  7. Já dei os parabéns para o Dario. Não sabia que o danado cultivava orquídeas. Veja só!! Vou passar por lá para conhecer as raridades e trocar umas mudinhas.
    Mais uma vez, Parabéns Dario. Grande abraço e conte com a gente para o que for necessário.

  8. Grande Dario!
    Reconhecimento mais do que merecido!

    Certamente ele é uma grande inspiração para todos nós, pós-graduandos, que estamos iniciando essa árdua, porém gratificante, carreira!

  9. Parabéns ao Dario, reconhecimento mais que merecido.

  10. Dario querido, parabens pra voce em todas. Um abracao

  11. Obrigado Serginho, Viola, Mineo, Kalil, Juliano e João pelos parabéns e pelo apoio sempre. Uma rodada de cerveja é por minha conta na SBI de Buzzios! João, estais mais do que convidado para vir conhecer o orquidário.. lá só tem uma regra: não podemos falar dos problemas da USP nem dos de biotérios ;-)

  12. Parabéns Dario,

    Fiquei muito feliz com essa notícia fantástica!!!

    Continue brilhando!


  13. Maria Bellio (UFRJ)5 de maio de 2014 às 17:39

    Parabéns Zamboni! Merecidíssimo!!

  14. Valeu Maria e Bernardo!
    Grande abraço,

  15. Parabéns Prof. Dario, é extremamente gratificante para quem conhece a pesquisa no Brasil ver o trabalho nacional sendo reconhecido desta forma. Esta "premiação" serve de estímulo para todos os pesquisadores e aspirantes a pesquisadores, pois creio que este reconhecimento pode se entender a muitos pesquisadores Brasileiros e principalmente da SBI, que tive o grande prazer de conhecer e buscar conhecimento.
