quarta-feira, 24 de abril de 2013

Conferências em Imunologia

Caros colegas imunologistas, abaixo uma programação com algumas conferências, entre 2013 e 2014, interessantes na nossa área! Programem-se!

  1. MAY 2013

    1. 3–7, Honolulu, Hawaii

      Immunology 2013: The American Association of Immunologists 100th Annual Meeting
      Jamie Wilson and Ursula Weiss

    2. 5–10, Ouro Preto, Brazil

      Keystone Symposium: The Innate Immune Response in the Pathogenesis of Infectious Disease
      Maria Papatriantafyllou & Ioana Visan

    3. 12–14, Lisbon, Portugal

      Cell Symposia: Microbiome and Host Health

    4. 21–23, Paris, France

      30 Years of HIV Science: Imagine the Future

    5. 23–24, Bruges, Belgium

      Abcam: Allergy & Asthma 2013
      Olive Leavy

    6. 29–3 June, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, New York, USA

      78th Cold Spring Harbor Symposium on Quantitative Biology: Immunity & Tolerance
      Yvonne BordonLaurie Dempsey and Ursula Weiss

  2. JUNE 2013

    1. 4–5, Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut, USA

      Charles A. Janeway, Jr Memorial Symposium
      Yvonne Bordon

    2. 7–12, Saxtons River, Vermont, USA

      FASEB Summer Research Conference: Autoimmunity

    3. 9–11, Toronto, Canada

      Cell Symposium: Immunometabolism: From Mechanisms to Therapy

    4. 9–14, Nassau, Bahamas

      FASEB Summer Research Conference: Signal Transduction in the Immune System

    5. 9–14, Stonehill College, Easton, Massachusetts, USA

      Gordon Research Conference: Mucosal Health & Disease

    6. 9–14, Waterville Valley, New Hampshire, USA

      Gordon Research Conference: Phagocytes

    7. 21–26, Snowmass Village, Colorado, USA

      FASEB Summer Research Conference: Microbial Pathogenesis: Mechanisms of Infectious Disease

    8. 22–26, Milan, Italy

      European Academy of Allergy & Clinical Immunology and World Allergy Organization: World Allergy & Asthma Congress

    9. 23–28, Kos, Greece

      Aegean Conference: 10th International Conference on Innate Immunity
      Laurie Dempsey

    10. 23–28, University of New England, Biddeford, Maine, USA

      Gordon Research Conference: Apoptotic Cell Recognition & Clearance

    11. 24–25, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

      Abcam: Inflammasomes in Health and Disease

    12. 27–30, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

      FOCIS 2013

  3. JULY 2013

    1. 1–4, Monte Carlo, Monaco

      Frontiers in Immunology Research

    2. 7–10, Quebec, Canada

      14th International TNF Conference
      Jamie Wilson

    3. 8–10, Telford, UK

      British Society of Allergy & Clinical Immunology Annual Meeting: Allergy Across the Ages

    4. 13 - 17, Oxford, UK
      8th Biennial Symposium of International Eosinophils Society
      14–19, Steamboat Springs, Colorado, USA

      FASEB Summer Research Conference: Molecular Mechanisms of Lymphocyte Development and Function

    5. 17–20, Vancouver, Canada

      16th International Congress of Mucosal Immunology (ICMI 2013): Pioneering Frontiers in Mucosal Regulation

    6. 21–26, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China

      T Follicular Helper Cells: Basic Discoveries and Clinical Applications
      Zoltan Fehervari

  4. AUGUST 2013

    1. 11–15, Steamboat Springs, Colorado, USA

      FASEB Summer Research Conference: Gastrointestinal Tract XV: Epithelia, Microbes, Inflammation and Cancer

    2. 13–15, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

      The Immunotherapies Congress

    3. 22–27, Milan, Italy

      15th International Congress of Immunology
      Laurie Dempsey

    4. 31–3 September, Mátraháza, Hungary

      EFIS-EJI Symposium: Immune-related Pathologies: Understanding Leukocyte Signalling and Emerging therapies (IMPULSE 2013)

  5. SEPTEMBER 2013

    1. 2–7, Pultusk, Poland

      ESF-EMBO Symposium: B Cells From Bedside To Bench And Back Again

    2. 8–13, Kos, Greece

      Aegean Conference: 7th Leukocyte Signal Transduction Workshop
      Jamie Wilson

    3. 13–17, Tours, France

      7th International Symposium on CD1 and NKT Cells

    4. 15–17, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

      3rd International Lymphoid Tissue Meeting

    5. 15–20, Rhodes, Greece

      Aegean conference: 2nd International Conference on ImmunoMetabolism

    6. 21-25, Natal, Brazil
      29–3 October, San Francisco, USA

      Cytokines 2013: From Molecular Mechanisms to Human Disease

  6. OCTOBER 2013

    1. 07 - 10, Barcelone, Spain
      AIDS Vaccine 2013
      10–11, Nijmegen, The Netherlands

      IL-1-mediated inflammation and diabetes: From basic science to clinical applications

    2. 20–22, Newport, Rhode Island, USA

      Society for Leukocyte Biology: Regulators of Innate Cell Plasticity

    3. 28–1 November, Suzhou, China

      Cold Spring Harbor Asia Conference: Tumour Immunology and Immunotherapy

  7. NOVEMBER 2013

    1. 3–5, San Francisco, California, USA

      The Lancet and Cell: What Will it Take to Achieve an AIDS-free World?

    2. 7–8, Lisbon, Portugal

      International Primary Immunodeficiencies Congress

    3. 14–17, Taipei City, Taiwan

      Asia Pacific Congress of Allergy, Asthma and Clinical Immunology

    4. 18–22, Suzhou, China

      Cold Spring Harbor Asia Conference: Bacterial Infection and Host Defence

    5. 20–23, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, New York, USA

      Harnessing Immunity to Prevent and Treat Disease

    6. 28–1 November, Suzhou, China

      Cold Spring Harbor Asia Conference: Tumour Immunology and Immunotherapy

  8. FEBRUARY 2014

    1. 7–9, Newport Beach, California, USA

      15th International Conference on Lymphocyte Activation and Immune Regulation: Innate Lymphoid Cells

  9. MARCH 2014

    1. 26–30, Nice, France

      9th International Congress on Autoimmunity

  10. APRIL 2014

    1. 10–13, Baltimore, Maryland, USA

      Clinical Immunology Society Annual Meeting: Primary Immune Deficiency Diseases North American Conference

  11. MAY 2014

    1. 2–6, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, USA

      Immunology 2014: The American Association of Immunologists 101st Annual Meeting

  12. JUNE 2014

    1. 25–28, Chicago, Illinois, USA

      FOCIS 2014

  13. OCTOBER 2014

    1. 26–29, Melbourne, Australia

      Cytokines 2014

5 comentários:

  1. Mto bom o post. Estas informações são sempre importantes.

    Só que o ICI está com a localidade errada. Ele não é em Roma, mas em Milão.


    1. Obrigada Bernardo! inicialmente seria em Roma e depois mudaram para Milão, já corrigi lá! Valeu! Abraços

  2. Muito Bom post Kelly. Vai ter o AIDS Vaccine conference de 7-10 de Outubro em Barcelona 2013. Os abstracts podem ser submetidos até este Domingo apr-28th. Fica a dica.

    1. Valeu Rafa! Já acrescentei esta conferencia na lista e também a da International Eosinophils Society!

  3. Tem a Conferência Européia de AIDS tb, e moutubro de 2013 na Bélgica!
