segunda-feira, 15 de agosto de 2011

Entrevistas ImunoFoz 2011 - Marc Peters-Golden

SBlogI entrevista:

Dr. Marc Peters-Golden
Univesidade de Michigan, EUA

Palestrante da mesa-redonda 'New Tools in the Immune Intervention' (15/10/2011)

SBlogI - What is the theme of your lecture at ImunoFoz 2011?
Peters-Golden, M. - The lipid PGE2 normally is a brake on fibrosis, but is dysregulated in lung fibrosis. Restoring the brake might have therapeutic benefit. 

SBlogI - What is the significance of this finding?
Peters-Golden, M. - It helps us to understand fibrogenesis, and to consider how existing and new treatment approachess might take advantage of this insight.

SBlogI - Any suggestions for background reading?
Peters-Golden, M. - Huang SK, Chest 2008;133:1442, Huang SK, Am J Pathol 2010;177:2245, and Horowitz JC. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2010;182:2

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