sábado, 21 de maio de 2011

Quem quiser colaborar com o MIT...

...aí vai uma boa oportunidade para fomento de colaborações científicas entre pesquisadores brasileiros e do MIT, uma das atividades do programa MIT-Brasil. O prazo para submissão de projetos é 19 de setembro.

MIT-Brazil Seed Fund
The MIT-Brazil Seed Fund supports budding research collaborations between faculty and research scientists at MIT and their counterparts in Brazil.

Through an annual call for proposals, the fund primarily supports travel costs for exchange between a team at MIT and colleagues in universities and public research in Brazil. The Brazilian colleague(s) must be identified in the proposal. The maximum award is $30,000.

Priority will be given to projects that:
- propose a balanced exchange between the MIT and Brazilian participants
- demonstrate complementarity between the MIT and Brazilian teams

In addition to the general MIT-Brazil Seed Fund, which is open to projects involving any university or research laboratory anywhere in Brazil, additional funds are available for projects in two specific regions through partnerships with FAPESP and FACEPE.

Mais informações aqui.

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