terça-feira, 4 de janeiro de 2011

Gordon Conference on “Tropical Infectious Diseases"

Dear colleague,

I am writing to alert you of available openings for the second Gordon Conference on “Tropical Infectious Diseases” subtitled “From Bench to Field”.

DESCRIPTION: This small conference (less than 150 participants) will cover malaria, arboviral diseases, cholera, filariasis, leishmaniasis, rickettsiosis and trypanosomiasis. For each disease, discussions will address how progress made at the bench is being translated to actions in the field. The intent is to promote discussions from basic to applied questions and to generate ‘cross-fertilization’ among different specialties and fields of knowledge. It is hoped that a new multidisciplinary network of scientists interested in Tropical Infectious Diseases will emerge.


PLACE & DATES: Hotel Galvez (Galveston, Texas) March 13-18, 2010

COSTS. The $1,025 registration fee covers hotel AND meals.

HOW TO REGISTER. On line application. 
Apply soon: registration closes February 13, 2011.

FINANCIAL SUPPORT may be available on a limited basis, to defray part of the costs. Contact Marcelo Jacobs-Lorena at mlorena@jhsph.edu for details. 

Please help promote the conference by forwarding this information to your colleagues and to members of your laboratory. Feel free to contact me at mlorena@jhsph.edu for any additional information.

Hope to see you in Galveston in March!


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