quinta-feira, 23 de fevereiro de 2012

International Meeting on Innate Immune in Leishmaniasis

Agora que o carnaval acabou, é hora de recomeçar com força total. Pensando assim, Camila e Aldina organizaram este encontro internacional que terá início no dia 5 de março, contando com convidados da Suiça e dos Estados Unido, além dos leishmaníacos locais. Será assunto do próximo post!

Tenho certeza que será extremamente proveitoso

Segue a programação!

Monday, March 5th

9:15/9:30 - Opening Remarks - Aldina Barral - CPqGM

SESSION 1 – Innate immunity to Leishmania infection

9:30/10:00 - Fabienne Tacchini-Cottier - Unil

Role of neutrophils in the early events following infection with Leishmania

10:00/10:30 – David Mosser – U. Maryland

Macrophages responses to infection by Leishmania spp

10:30/11:00 - Coffee Break

11:00/11:30 - Lucas Carvalho - UFBA

Contribution of different monocytes subsets to inflammatory response in patients with cutaneous leishmaniasis

11:30/12:00 – Discussion – Mediator: Manoel Barral-Netto- CPqGM

12:00/14:00 Lunch

SESSION 2 – The role of sand fly saliva in Leishmania infection

14:00/14:30 - Tiffany Weinkopff- Unil

The role of Lu. Intermedia Sand Fly saliva in L. braziliensis infection

14:30/15:00 - Camila I. de Oliveira - CPqGM

Immune response to Lu. intermedia saliva as a marker of disease development

15:30/16:00 – Clarissa Teixeira - NIH

Understanding the immune response to sand fly saliva in the exposed host

16:00/16:30 – Discussion - Mediator: Manoel Barral-Netto- CPqGM

16:30/17:00 - Coffee Break

17:00/17:45 - Edgar Carvalho - HUPES

Keynote Lecture

Strategies to Identify Protective Immune Response in L.braziliensis Infection

Tuesday-March 6th

9:15/9:30 - Opening Remarks - Aldina Barral - CPqGM

SESSION 3 – Interface Host-Parasite

9:30/10:00 -­‐ Mary Wilson UIowa

The local inflammatory response to Leishmania

10:00/10:30 Valeria Borges CPqGM

The role of heme-­‐oxygenase 1 (HO-­‐1) in response to Leishmania chagasi infection

10:30/11:00 Coffee Break

11:00/11:30 Washington L. C. dos Santos CPqGM

Disruption of splenic microenvironments in canine visceral leishmaniasis

11:30/12:00 Discussion -­‐

Mediator: Aldina Barral CPqGM

12:00/14:00 Lunch

SESSION 4 – Adaptive Immunity to Leishmaniasis

14:00/14:30 - Phillip Scott - UPenn

Beyond Th1 and Th2 cells: The role of CD8 T cells in protection and pathology in


14:30/15:00 - Claudia Brodskyn - CPqGM

CD8+ T cells in cutaneous leishmaniasis

15:30/16:00 - Alda M. Cruz - IOC


16:00/16:30 – Coffee Break

16:30/17:00 - Final Discussion- Mediator: Aldina Barral - CPqGM

2 comentários:

  1. Ta chiquerrimo isso - ate eu que nao sou Leishmaniaca queria ir...

  2. Muito bom! Infelizmente não vai dar p/ir...
    Vou ficar de olho no próximo post.
