sábado, 1 de outubro de 2011

Entrevistas ImunoFoz2011 - Francis Chan

SBlogI entrevista:

Dr. Francis Ka-Ming Chan
University of Massachusetts Amherst, EUA

SBlogI - What is the theme of your lecture at ImunoFoz 2011?
Chan, F. - I will discuss the role of necrosis in anti-viral immune responses.

SBlogI - What is the significance of this finding?
Chan, F. - Necrosis used to be thought of as a non-specific form of cell death. Instead, our results show that necrosis can be triggered in response to a specific cue, in this case, a virus. Moreover, this necrotic response is important for protection against certain viral pathogens.

SBlogI - Any suggestions for background reading?
Chan, F. -
Cell Mol Life Sci. 2010 Oct;67(19):3241-53.
Cell. 2009 Jun 12;137(6):1112-23.

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