segunda-feira, 15 de agosto de 2011

Entrevistas ImunoFoz 2011 - Alice Yu

SBlogI entrevista:

Dr. Alice L. Yu
Universidade da Califórnia, EUA

Palestrante da mesa-redonda 'New Tools in the Immune Intervention' (15/10/2011)

SBlogI - What is the theme of your lecture at ImunoFoz 2011?
Yu, A.L. - Immunotherapy of cancer by targeting cancer associated glycans

SBlogI - What is the main finding or conclusion that will be emphasized?
Yu, A.L. - A phase III clinical trial has shown that a combination of mab against GD2 + cytokines significantly improved the outcome of high risk neuroblastoma.

SBlogI - What is the significance of this finding?
Yu, A.L. - This is a major advance for this dreadful childhood cancer and the first time immnitherapy targeting a non-protein antigen shown to be effective for cancer treatment.

SBlogI - What are the future perspectives in this area?
Yu, A.L. - This phase III study has established anti-GD2 as a part of standard therapy for high risk neuroblastoma. Future efforts should be aimed at further improvement of efficacy of anti-GD2 therapy and amelioration of its toxicities.

SBlogI - Are there controversies in this area?
Yu, A.L. - Treatment with anti-GD2, GMCSF and IL2 is associated with significant toxicities, especially when combined with IL2. It is not clear if cytokines are necessary for the observed efficacy. A randomized study comparing anti-GD2 alone with anti-GD2 plus cytokines will be important to address this issue.

SBlogI - Any suggestions for background reading?
Yu, A.L. - Yu al et al, New England J. of Medicine. September 30, 2010.

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