domingo, 16 de janeiro de 2011

Oportunidades de Fomento

Oportunidades Vigentes
Edital CNPq nº 73/2010 - Pesquisa, Desenvolvimento e Inovação em Biomassa e Biotecnologia no Âmbito do Convênio CNPq/JST (Japão)
Edital CNPq nº 73/2010 tem por objetivo apoiar, de forma complementar, o desenvolvimento de projetos conjuntos de pesquisa científica, tecnológica e de inovação, por meio do financiamento a atividades de cooperação internacional, no âmbito do convênio bilateral entre o CNPq e a Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST). O apoio destina-se ao financiamento da mobilidade de cientistas e pesquisadores com atuação em projetos de pesquisa científica, tecnológica e de inovação, por sua relevância estratégica, os quais, preferencialmente, apresentem contrapartida financeira de fontes nacionais ou internacionais.

O apoio se dará exclusivamente a projetos em biomassa e biotecnologia nos temas de interesse identificados de comum acordo listados abaixo:
1.     Produção sustentável;
2.     Caracterização e conversão de biomassa em biocombustíveis;
3.     Bioprodutos e energia.
Data Limite: 22 de fevereiro de 2011.Home Page:

Edital Capes DRI/CGBE nº 74/2010 - Programa de Bolsa de Estudos para Estágio Sênior no Exterior (Processos Seletivos em 2011)
A Capes oferece bolsa aos doutores brasileiros, com formação obtida há, pelo menos, oito anos, visando ao intercâmbio científico e ao estabelecimento de parcerias com congêneres internacionais, direcionado à execução de projeto de pesquisa, sempre inserido no contexto institucional de atuação do candidato. A natureza das atividades que compreendem o estágio apresenta a perspectiva de colaboração entre pesquisadores, não cabendo, pois, encargos recíprocos para desenvolvimento, que impliquem, por exemplo, o pagamento de taxas escolares. As normas do Edital DRI/CGBE nº 74/2010 serão aplicáveis aos processos seletivos abertos no exercício de 2011.
Início do estágio
3 de janeiro a 1º de março
 setembro a dezembro    
30 de julho
3 de maio a 1º de julho
janeiro a abril
30 de outubro
3 de setembro a 1º de novembro    
maio a agosto
28 de fevereiro    

Data Limite: Os pedidos seguirão o calendário abaixo:

Edital Capes DRI/CGBE nº 75/2010 - Programa de Bolsa de Estudos para Estágio Pós-Doutoral no Exterior (Processo Seletivo 2011)
A Capes oferece bolsa para a realização de Estágio Pós-Doutoral no exterior a pesquisadores doutores, que atuem em atividade de docência e de pesquisa no Brasil, com o objetivo de contribuir para a inserção internacional desses pesquisadores, para o estabelecimento do intercâmbio científico e abertura de novas linhas de pesquisa de relevância para o desenvolvimento da área no país.
As normas do 
Edital Capes DRI/CGBE nº 75/2010 são aplicáveis aos processos seletivos abertos no exercício de 2011.
Data Limite: Os pedidos seguirão o calendário abaixo:
Início do estágio
3 de janeiro a 1º de março
setembro a dezembro    
30 de julho
3 de maio a 1º de julho
janeiro a abril
30 de outubro
3 de setembro a 1º de novembro    
maio a agosto
28 de fevereiro    

BioVision/TWAS Lilly Award
BioVision is a three-day international forum, held in Lyon, France, every two years. It is the place where: (i) Scientists at the forefront in their research area in different life sciences disciplines outline their views on forthcoming developments; (ii) All stakeholders (industry, the political sphere and civil society) discuss the impacts of these discoveries on Society; (iii) Key leaders share insights and confront their views on major contemporary global issues in health, nutrition and the environment. 

BioVision and the Academy of Sciences for the Developing World (TWAS), with the support of the Lilly MDR-TB Partnership, have established the BioVision Lilly Award for young scientists to honor outstanding scientific achievements made by individual young scientists from the developing countries.
Data Limite: The deadline for receiving nominations for the BioVision TWAS Lilly Award is January 15th 2011.

ASV Postdoctoral Travel Grants 2011
The American Society for Virology (ASV) was founded in 1981 to provide a forum for investigators of human, animal, insect, plant, fungal, and bacterial viruses, whether the research involves clinical, ecological, biological, or biochemical approaches. The stated aim of the Society is to promote the exchange of information and stimulate discussion and collaboration among scientists active in all aspects of virology. ASV's membership is open to qualified investigators residing in the Americas, or elsewhere, who have published original investigations in virology and who are actively involved in virology research. 

The Postdoctoral Travel Grants are provided by the ASV to aid postdoctoral fellows to present their experimental results at the annual meeting of the Society. The next meeting, the
2011 ASV Annual Meeting, will be held at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, July 16-20.
Data Limite: The deadline for Abstract submission and Travel Grant applications is Tuesday, February 1, 2011. Home Page:

ASV Travel Award for Scientists from Latin America 2011
The ASV has established the Latin American Virology Scholar Awards to provide financial support for talented virologists working in Latin America (Mexico, Central and South America) to attend and present their work at the 2011 ASV Annual Meeting to be held at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, July 16-20.
Data Limite: The deadline for Abstract submission and Travel Grant applications is Tuesday, February 1, 2011.

EMBO Long-Term Fellowships
The European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) promotes bioscience in Europe through targeted programmes and activities. Established in 1964, the founders of EMBO showed an incredible vision when they established the organisation. The organisation nurtures training and careers at all stages of the scientific career path through courses, workshops conferences and fellowships. 

EMBO Fellowships fund and support young scientists in their pursuit of both pre- and post-doctoral research. A core EMBO programme since the 1960’s, thousands of scientists have benefited from international exchange. The EMBO Long-Term Fellowships are awarded for support post-doctoral research visits to laboratories throughout Europe and the world. The EMBO offers also the 
Short-Term Fellowships.
Data Limite: Deadlines for receipt of applications: 15 February and 15 August. The online application system opens six weeks before the deadline. Home Page:

International Engagement Awards: Engaging with Global Health
The Wellcome Trust is an independent charity funding research to improve human and animal health. Established in 1936 and with an endowment of around £10 billion, it is the UK’s largest non-governmental source of funds for biomedical research. 

International Engagement Awards support projects that aim to achieve some or all of the following:
1. To strengthen the capacity of people in developing countries to facilitate public engagement with health research; 
2. To stimulate dialogue about health research and its impact on the public in a range of community and public contexts in developing countries; 
3. To investigate and test new methods of engagement, participation, communication or education around health research; 
4. To promote collaboration on engagement projects between researchers and community or public organisations; 
5. To support Wellcome Trust funded researchers in developing countries in engaging with the public and policy makers.
Click here to information available in Portuguese.
Data Limite:21 April 2011 (preliminary expressions of interest should be sent by 11 March 2011).

Vienna Biocenter PhD Program
The Research Institute of Molecular Pathology (IMP) is a basic biomedical research center sponsored largely by the pharmaceutical company Boehringer Ingelheim, and located in theCampus Vienna Biocenter (VBC). The Institute of Molecular Biotechnology (IMBA) and IMP together form the IMP-IMBA Research Center. 

The aim of the VBC PhD Program is to provide one of the best scientific educations in Europe. With supervision provided by outstanding scientists, program students will answer important biological questions and work towards scientific independence throughout the course of their PhD thesis. 

Research at the VBC covers a range of topics in modern biological sciences, including gene regulation, cell division, neural circuits, and evolutionary genomics. The VBC PhD programme supports its students in their scientific explorations, providing state-of-the-art equipment, expert scientific advisors, and extensive scientific and administrative support.
Data Limite: There are two selections each year, the application deadlines are as follows: 
Winter selection - 15 November (website opens for applications on 15 September); 
Summer selection - 30 April (website opens for applications on 1 March).

Fomento e Infraestrutura em P&D

Coordenação de Pesquisas -Vice-Diretoria de Pesquisas e Desenvolvimento Tecnológico

Fiocruz Bahia

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