sábado, 8 de janeiro de 2011

Oportunidades de fomento

Oportunidades Vigentes
Edital Fapesb nº 24/2010 - Programa de Apoio a Núcleos de Excelência (Pronex)
Edital Fapesb nº 24/2010 - Pronex tem por objetivo apoiar atividades de pesquisa científica, tecnológica e de inovação, mediante a seleção de propostas para apoio financeiro a projetos de grupos consolidados, visando a dar suporte financeiro aos trabalhos dos referidos grupos, vinculados a instituições de ensino superior e/ou pesquisa, públicas ou privadas (sem fins lucrativos), sediadas no Estado da Bahia, e com atuação nas diversas áreas do conhecimento.
Data Limite: Até as 17h30min do dia 17 de fevereiro de 2011.

Edital Fapesb nº 25/2010 - Programa Primeiros Projetos (PPP)
Edital Fapesb nº 25/2010 - Programa Primeiros Projetos (PPP) tem por objetivo apoiar atividades de pesquisa científica, tecnológica e de inovação, através da seleção de propostas para apoio financeiro à aquisição, instalação, modernização, ampliação e/ou recuperação da infraestrutura de pesquisa nas instituições de ensino superior, publicas ou privadas (sem fins lucrativos) localizadas no Estado da Bahia, visando dar suporte à fixação de jovens pesquisadores (doutores) e a nucleação de novos grupos de pesquisa, em quaisquer áreas do conhecimento.
Data Limite: Até as 17h30min do dia 3 de fevereiro de 2011. Home Page: http://www.fapesb.ba.gov.br/?page_id=4055

Omics Meets Cell Biology (Conference Student Scholarships)
The mission of the Keystone Symposia is to serve as a catalyst for the advancement of biomedical and life sciences by connecting scientists within and across disciplines at conferences and workshops held at venues that create an environment conducive to information exchange, generation of new ideas, and acceleration of applications that benefit society.

The Keystone Symposia is offering scholarships to participants of the Meeting "Omics Meets Cell Biology", which will be held May 8 - 13, 2011, Alpbach, Austria. Follow these links to download the 
Meeting Summary, theMeeting Flyer and the Meeting Program.
Data Limite: January 6, 2011.

Lipid Biology and Lipotoxicity (Conference Student Scholarships)
The Keystone Symposia is offering scholarships to participants of the Meeting "Lipid Biology and Lipotoxicity", which will be held May 15 - 20, 2011, Killarney, Co. Kerry, Ireland. Follow these links to download the Meeting Summary, the Meeting Flyer and the Meeting Program.
Data Limite: January 13, 2011 (Midnight US Mountain Standard Time). Home Page: http://www.keystonesymposia.org/Meetings/viewMeetings.cfm?MeetingID=1113&subTab=scholarships

CIHR's Fellowships 2010-2011
The Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) is the Government of Canada's agency responsible for funding health research in Canada. CIHR was created in 2000 under the authority of the CIHR Act and reports to Parliament through the Minister of Health. 

The CIHR's Fellowships provide support for highly qualified candidates at the post-PhD or post-health professional degree stages to add to their experience by engaging in health research either in Canada or abroad.
Data Limite: February 1, 2011.
Home Page: aqui

Molecular Evolution Fellowship Program
The Smithsonian Postdoctoral Fellowship in Molecular Evolution is offered to support research at the Smithsonian Institution. The Smithsonian's molecular research facilities are located at National Museum of Natural History (NMNH), National Zoological Park (NZP), in the Washington, D.C. area, and at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI), in the Republic of Panama, but collaboration with other facilities (Smithsonian Environmental Research Center [SERC], Museum Conservation Institute [MCI], etc.) is encouraged. 

Included in the proposal evaluation will be it's relevance in terms of the 
Smithsonian’s Strategic Plan and how the research reflects one or more of the Four Grand Challenges outlined in the plan.
Data Limite: All applications must be postmarked by January 15, annually. Home Page: http://www.si.edu/ofg/Applications/MEFELL/MEFELLapp.htm

Tupper 3-Year Postdoctoral Fellowships in Tropical Biology
The Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI) located in the Republic of Panama is a division of the Smithsonian Institution in Washington DC and maintains research facilities in different marine and terrestrial locations on the Isthmus of Panama. STRI invites applications for the Earl S. Tupper three-year postdoctoral fellowship in the areas represented by its scientific staff. 

Disciplines include ecology, anthropology, paleontology, paleoecology, evolutionary biology, molecular phylogenetics, biogeography, animal behavior, neurobiology, soils sciences, and physiology of tropical plants and animals. Research should be based at one of the STRI facilities; proposals that include comparative research in other tropical countries will be considered. One fellowship is awarded annually.
Data Limite: This program is made on a annual basis. Application deadline is January 15 each year.

Tinker Visiting Professorship Program at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
The Latin American, Caribbean and Iberian Studies Program (LACIS) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, are a Title VI National Resource Center, in operation since 1973 in consortium with the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CLACS).

LACIS coordinates and supports teaching, research and outreach on campus and in the community. Its mission as a resource center and as an academic program, is threefold:
1.             To train Latin Americanist specialists for academic, government, and private sectors;
2.             To support Latin Americanist students and faculty in their intellectual development so that they can become and remain superior teachers and scholars;
3.            To serve as a local, regional, and national resource center that provides outreach, support services, and information to other university units, K-16, government, civic, community and business constituencies.
LACIS provides a variety of grant opportunities for affiliated faculty. Tinker Visiting Professorship Program is an excellent means to relieve curriculum gaps, complement departmental strengths, and to establish more informal collaborations among faculty and students. Tinker Professors at the University of Wisconsin-Madison are required to teach or co-teach one course during the semester of residence and to provide, in addition, one public lecture.
Data Limite:The nomination deadline is the last Friday in January annually. Home Page: http://www.lacis.wisc.edu/index.php?q=node/32

Molecular Basis of Bacterial Infection: Basic and Applied Research Approaches (Wellcome Trust Advanced Course)
The Wellcome Trust is an independent charity funding research to improve human and animal health. Established in 1936 and with an endowment of around £10 billion, it is the UK's largest non-governmental source of funds for biomedical research. The Wellcome Trust Genome Campus is set in the idyllic grounds of the Hinxton Hall estate, south of Cambridge. 
Wellcome Trust Advanced Courses provide practical training in the latest biomedical research techniques and bioinformatics tools for senior PhD students, postdocs and clinicians. 

The "Molecular Basis of Bacterial Infection: Basic and Applied Research Approaches" is an intensive one-week course (8-14 May 2011) which will introduce participants to concepts and techniques currently used in studies on the molecular basis of bacterial infection. Several themes will run throughout the week and these will provide a framework for bench experiments, demonstrations, supporting lectures and discussion groups. Core themes will include tissue-based assays, reporters, tissue culture assays, and microscopy (fluorescent and scanning/transmission electron microscopy).

Fomento e Infraestrutura em P&D
Coordenação de Pesquisas -Vice-Diretoria de Pesquisas e Desenvolvimento Tecnológico
Fiocruz Bahia

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