quarta-feira, 21 de julho de 2010

XXXV Congresso da SBI – ImunoTchê 2010

O Imuno2010, Congresso Anual da Sociedade Brasileira de Imunologia, ocorrerá de 3 a 6 de novembro no Centro de Eventos da PUC-RS, em Porto Alegre.

Veja a mensagem dos organizadores (abaixo) e confira o Programa Científico.

Dear Colleagues

We are pleased to host the next Immunology meeting here in Porto Alegre. For several years now we have been hosting the Gaucho Immunology Meeting, promoting immunology in Rio Grande do Sul. More recently, we have joined forces with the groups from Florianópolis and Curitiba, and presently our regional event is called Southern Symposium in Immunology, annually rotating among the three capitals. The Southern Regional of SBI is thus anxious to promote the Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Society for Immunology in Rio Grande do Sul for the first time.

In 2010 we have chosen as theme the effector mechanisms of the immune response, with special attention to viral immunity. In the recent years, viral pandemics have been a great challenge, not only for Brasil, but for the world, making the front page in newspapers, leading authorities to re-evaluate public health policies, and sicentists to rethink working paradigms. Particularly in Brasil, the H1N1 pandemic added to the already historical problems in the handling of dengue and yellow fever. Brazilian Immunologists have a wide experience on infection, with numerous and impactant scientific production, constituting the most competitive group of Brazilian scientists. This experience, if used to shed a new look over viral immunity and viral vaccine design, has the potential to provide original contributions to approach these problems, in agreement with Brazilian reality. Besides, the readiness necessary to face pandemics greatly depends on the capacity of immunologists to rapidly produce vaccines, that will protect the population on a large scale.

The meeting will take place during three and a half days, from Wednesday through Saturday, here at the PUCRS Convention Center, which offers an excellent support structure for meetings such as ours, as well as events in general. The ample physical space will value poster exhibits, which will be surrounded by the sponsor stands, and we will promote special attractions for students. We will have the third edition of the ESCI – Extra Section in Clinical Immunology. We will have round tables on traditional themes in immunology, such as parasite immunity, transplants, autoimmunity, allergy, tumor immunity, innate immunity, cell signaling. In parallel, all through the meeting, we will have round tables centered in viral immunity, such as immunity to dengue fever, HIV, influenza, respiratory viruses, herpes, etc – promoting the interaction among such themes. Full conferences will alternate general immunology themes with viral immunity. The vaccines course, a big success among students, will be maintained and others will be offered.

We are happy to welcome you all in Porto Alegre. Please consider coming a few days earlier, and get to know the beautiful beaches of Paraná and Santa Catarina, or take a wine tasting tour in the highlands of Rio Grande do Sul.
Our organizing committee is composed by Cristina Bonorino, Moisés Bauer, Priscilla Vianna, André Báfica, Alessandra Peres, Aguinaldo Pinto, Juliano Bordignon and Marcelo Bozza.

We are counting on everyone for a great meeting in Porto Alegre!

Um comentário:

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